Matson Alarm History

A Legacy of Trust and Innovation

Our Journey: From a Garage in Fresno to a Thriving Legacy

In the heart of Fresno, California, a dream took shape in 1974. Brothers Mike and Larry Matson started a small alarm business in their father's garage. What began as a modest venture, fueled by ambition and hard work, evolved into a leading security company. Over 40 years, Matson Alarm grew from a garage operation to a large-scale enterprise, employing over 160 individuals and securing the trust of over 20,000 subscribers.

Larry Matson 


Mike Matson


Expanding Horizons: Matson Alarm in Middle Tennessee

In 2021, AJ, together with his wife, made the pivotal decision to relocate to Franklin, Middle Tennessee. Recognizing the potential for growth, Mike and Larry supported AJ in acquiring his Alarm Contracting License, leading to the establishment of Matson Alarm in Tennessee. This expansion signified not just geographical growth, but also the nurturing of new markets and communities.

A Time Of Transition 

The year 2023 marked a significant transition. With Mike Matson facing health issues a subsequent decision made to retire alongside Larry, the founders entrusted the keys of the Tennessee business to AJ. Their legacy and wisdom continue to be a guiding force, as they occasionally offer invaluable advice, nurturing the company they passionately built.

AJ Russell A Legacy Of Passion and Excellence 

AJ Russell, a man of diverse talents and interests, started in the smart home business immediately after high school. His passion for the trade was briefly paralleled by a professional career in car racing, including a stint with an Indy car team. This diverse experience has contributed to his dynamic leadership at Matson Alarm.

Our Core Values: Hard Work, Family, and Exceptional Service

Matson Alarm Of Tennessee operates on the foundational principles instilled by the Matson brothers – hard work and family values. These principles are not just a part of our history; they are the essence of how we operate daily. Our clients are more than customers; they are an extension of the Matson Alarm family. Ensuring their satisfaction and safety is our top priority.

Our Promise to You

We are committed to delivering top-notch products and friendly customer service. Your peace of mind is our responsibility, and we stand ready to rectify any concerns swiftly and efficiently. As we bring these enduring values to Tennessee, we look forward to serving and protecting our new community.
